
meeting of interested countries on the establishment of an fund for agricultural development معنى

  • اجتماع البلدان المهتمة بإنشاء صندوق دولي للتنمية الزراعية
  • meeting    n. لقاء, دعوة, اجت ...
  • of    prep. من, بشأن, بس ...
  • interested    adj. راغب, مهتم, م ...
  • countries    أقطار; اقطار; البل ...
  • on    adv. فوق, عن, حسب; ...
  • the    ال, لام التعريفH&# ...
  • the establishment    مؤسسة حاكمة
  • establishment    n. مؤسسة, مجموعة ق ...
  • of    prep. من, بشأن, بس ...
  • an    أداة تعريف إنجليزي ...
  • fund    n. رأسمال, إعتماد ...
  • for    conj. لأجل, عوضا ع ...
  • agricultural    adj. زراعي
  • agricultural development    تنمية زراعية
  • development    n. تطوير, تطور, تح ...

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. meeting of heads of state of central america and panama معنى
  2. meeting of high-level experts designated by governments to review regional environmental programmes in latin america and the caribbean معنى
  3. meeting of high-level experts of non-aligned and other developing countries concerned with the role of women in development معنى
  4. meeting of high-level experts on science and technology for development معنى
  5. meeting of indigenous children and adolescents معنى
  6. meeting of interested parties of the programme for control of diseases معنى
  7. meeting of international non-governmental organizations concerning vocational rehabilitation of disabled persons معنى
  8. meeting of international non-governmental organizations on the united nations decade of disabled persons معنى
  9. meeting of investigators on cancer statistics information subsystems معنى
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